Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1Product Information2Upload Related Documents3Container Variation Information4Container Variation Information5Container Variation Information6Container Variation Information7Container Variation Information8Confirm & FinishProduct Name *This will be the name of your product as shown to your customers.Short Product Description * Visual Text This is a short description of your product. It should only be a sentence or two, maybe 3. It will be displayed beside your product.Product Description *Visual Text This is a longer description of your product. It will be displayed below the product.Product Video URLPaste a link here to your product video. (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) What Specific Problems or Conditions Does this Product Solve?Explain to the buyer what problems or soil conditions your product is made to solve.What is the shelf life? *Category *BeefBeefConcentrated Biological Microbes - Non OrganicConcentrated Biological Microbes - OrganicFoliar applied Fertilizer - Non OrganicFoliar Applied Fertilizer - OrganicFungicide - Non OrganicFungicide - OrganicInsecticide - Non OrganicInsecticide - OrganicPost Harvest Nutrition - Non OrganicPost Harvest Nutrition - OrganicRow Fertilizer - Non OrganicRow Fertilizer - OrganicSeed Treatment - Non OrganicSeed Treatment - OrganicSoil applied Fertilizer - Non OrganicSoil applied Fertilizer - OrganicTransplant Microbial Inoculant - Non OrganicTransplant Microbial Inoculant - OrganicUncategorizedOrganic or Non Organic *OrganicNon OrganicOrganic Certification * Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. Please upload your certification documentsDoes this product require refrigeration? *YesNoCrops *All CropsAll CropsSoyWheatAlfalfaPasturesAlmondsApplesPeppersCottonMiloBlueberriesRaspberriesStrawberriesGrapeLettuceCabbageHempPotatoSugar BeetSugar CaneOnionSesameGreen BeanTomatoOtherOther Crop *Is this product tax exempt? *YesYesNoIs this product liquid or dry? *LiquidDryLegal Product Registered States *All StatesAll StatesAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingSafety and Storage Instructions *Tell your customer how to store the product and any other safety instructions.Application Rates and Mixing Instructions *Tell your customer how much of the product to apply per area measurement (ex: 5 gallons per acre).Next StepMSDS Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload your MSDS if you have one. PDF format is preferred but you can also upload Word Documents, Excel files, and images. The maximum file size is 25 MB.Marketing Brochures Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload your Marketing Brochure if you have one. PDF format is preferred but you can also upload Word Documents and images. The maximum file size is 25 MB.Photos Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. Upload up to 5 additional product photos. Buyers can click on each one to view it. The maximum file size is 5 MB.Case Studies Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload your Case Studies if you have one. PDF format is preferred but you can also upload Word Documents. The maximum file size is 25 MB.Field Results Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload your Field Results if you have them. PDF format is preferred but you can also upload Word Documents, Excel files, and images. The maximum file size is 25 MB.Lab Results Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload your Lab Results if you have them. PDF format is preferred but you can also upload Word Documents, Excel files, and images. The maximum file size is 25 MB.Registration Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload your Registration document if you have one. PDF format is preferred but you can also upload Word Documents. The maximum file size is 25 MB.FAQs Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload your FAQ document if you have one. PDF format is preferred but you can also upload Word Documents. The maximum file size is 25 MB.Label Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload your Label if you have one. PDF format is preferred but you can also upload Word Documents, Excel files, and images. The maximum file size is 25 MB.PreviousNext StepSelect a Container Size *1 lbTruckload Totes (4950 Gallons)Tanker (+4800 Gallons)Tote-330 GallonTote-275 GallonTote-265 GallonBarrel-55 Gallon2.5 Gallons5 Gallon1 GallonJugPailPrice *SKUProduct Photo - Variation 1 * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Container Weight *Unit *lblbozmggContainer Height in Inches *Container Width in Inches *Container Length in Inches *Shipping Instructions *Tell your customers anything they need to know about the shipping, such as if a forklift or dock is required, or directions on how to get to your facility.Do you want to list another container size for this product? *YesNoPreviousNextProduct Variation TwoSelect a Container Size *1 lbTruckload Totes (4950 Gallons)Tanker (+4800 Gallons)Tote-330 GallonTote-275 GallonTote-265 GallonBarrel-55 Gallon2.5 Gallons5 Gallon1 GallonJugPailPrice *SKUProduct Photo - Variation 2 * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Container Weight *Unit *ozlbmggContainer Height in Inches *Container Width in Inches *Container Length in Inches *Shipping Instructions *Tell your customers anything they need to know about the shipping, such as if a forklift or dock is required, or directions on how to get to your facility.Do you want to list another container size for this product? *YesNoPreviousNextProduct Variation ThreeSelect a Container Size *1 lbTruckload Totes (4950 Gallons)Tanker (+4800 Gallons)Tote-330 GallonTote-275 GallonTote-265 GallonBarrel-55 Gallon2.5 Gallons5 Gallon1 GallonJugPailPrice *SKUProduct Photo - Variation 3 * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Container Weight *Unit *ozlbmggContainer Height in Inches *Container Width in Inches *Container Length in Inches *Shipping Instructions *Tell your customers anything they need to know about the shipping, such as if a forklift or dock is required, or directions on how to get to your facility.Do you want to list another container size for this product? *YesNoPreviousNextProduct Variation FourSelect a Container Size *1 lbTruckload Totes (4950 Gallons)Tanker (+4800 Gallons)Tote-330 GallonTote-275 GallonTote-265 GallonBarrel-55 Gallon2.5 Gallons5 Gallon1 GallonJugPailPrice *SKUProduct Photo - Variation 4 * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Container Weight *Unit *ozlbmggContainer Height in Inches *Container Width in Inches *Container Length in Inches *Shipping Instructions *Tell your customers anything they need to know about the shipping, such as if a forklift or dock is required, or directions on how to get to your facility.Do you want to list another container size for this product? *YesNoPreviousNextProduct Variation FiveSelect a Container Size *1 lbTruckload Totes (4950 Gallons)Tanker (+4800 Gallons)Tote-330 GallonTote-275 GallonTote-265 GallonBarrel-55 Gallon2.5 Gallons5 Gallon1 GallonJugPailPrice *SKUProduct Photo - Variation 5 * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Container Weight *Unit *ozlbmggContainer Height in Inches *Container Width in Inches *Container Length in Inches *Shipping Instructions *Tell your customers anything they need to know about the shipping, such as if a forklift or dock is required, or directions on how to get to your facility.PreviousNextUpdating preview…This is a preview of your submission. It has not been submitted yet! Please take a moment to verify your information. You can also go back to make changes.PreviousSubmit